Abschied nehmen heißt es nun auch für rund 17 Prozent der Belegschaft von Discord. Die Entlassungswelle bei etlichen Konzernen der Tech-Industrie geht weiter.

Nach den Stellenstreichungen bei Twitch erlebt auch Discord erneut Entlassungen. Rund 170 von etwa 1000 Mitarbeitern werden nun das Unternehmen verlassen. Der Grund: zu rasantes Wachstum während der Pandemie. Dies eröffnete der CEO Jason Citron in einer internen Mail und einem dazugehörigen All-Hands-Meeting.
Qualität statt Quantität
In einer kürzlich veröffentlichten E-Mail auf The Verge erläutert Citron die Beweggründe hinter den Personalstreichungen. Die Entscheidung sei aufgrund des rasanten Wachstums des Unternehmens gefallen, das sich seit 2020 verfünffacht hat und dadurch ineffizienter geworden sei. Mit dem klaren Ziel, den Fokus zu schärfen und die Zusammenarbeit zu verbessern, strebt Citron eine höhere Agilität im Unternehmen an.
Trotz Bedauern über diese notwendige Entscheidung zeigt sich Citron bestrebt, den ausgeschiedenen Teammitgliedern umfassende Unterstützung zu bieten. Dazu gehören fünf Monatsgehälter, wobei für jedes volle Jahr bei Discord eine zusätzliche Woche gewährt wird. Weiterhin werden fünf Monate Sozialleistungen und drei Monate Outplacement-Dienstleistungen gezahlt.
Hier ist die gesamte E-Mail zum Nachlesen:
Hi @everyone,
I want to follow up on what we just covered at our all-company meeting and share some context.
Today we are making the unfortunate and difficult decision to reduce the size of Discord’s workforce by 17%. This means we are saying goodbye to 170 of our talented colleagues. This is a decision we did not take lightly, but it is one that we have conviction in to better serve our users, our business and our mission over the long term.
Where we are and how we got here
Our company has changed and grown significantly over the past few years. We should all be really proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish together to serve the millions of people who turn to Discord every day to spend time with their friends.
At the same time, we have to face some hard truths. We grew quickly and expanded our workforce even faster, increasing by 5x since 2020. As a result, we took on more projects and became less efficient in how we operated.
Today, we are increasingly clear on the need to sharpen our focus and improve the way we work together to bring more agility to our organization. This is what largely drove the decision to reduce the size of our workforce. While difficult, I am confident this will put us in the best position to continue building a strong and profitable business that delivers amazing products for our users and supports our mission for years to come.
What happens next
I’m sure all of you are anxious to know what this means for each of you.
– By 10:30 a.m. PT, everyone will receive an email. In your email, you will learn whether or not your employment has been impacted by this reduction-in-force
– Leadership will hold a meeting with departing team members at 11:00 a.m. PT to discuss next steps
– For all remaining employees, we will come back together this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. PT to talk about what’s next
How we’re taking care of our colleagues
It is incredibly important to me that we support departing team members through this difficult time and provide them with a sizable runway as they transition into future employment. To that end, we are offering them:
– Five months of salary (plus an additional week for every full year at Discord)
– Five months of benefit continuation
– Three months of outplacement services
– Equity vesting of awards scheduled to vest on Feb. 1, 2024
– Continued access to Modern Health through the end of 2024, and more
I’ll end by sharing deep appreciation and gratitude for those leaving us. Discord is better because of your contributions and the passion you brought to delivering for our users, our company, and each other. Thank you for everything.
It’s incredibly difficult to say goodbye to respected peers, many of whom have become friends. I’m hopeful that working on and with our product has reinforced that these bonds can be sustained and even strengthened beyond the “walls” of any one place.
Take care of yourselves and let’s look out for each other through this particularly challenging time.